
Got bugs? Well, sorry about that, we can’t help you. Just kidding, of course! We carry an array of very effective bug killers, some of which are organic. Below are our recommendations for which insecticides are especially effective given the the insects that are bugging you. A sample of our insecticides is pictured below.

We highly recommend that you mix Spreader Sticker in with any insecticide (as well as fungicide and herbicide) that you apply in your yard and garden. Spreader Sticker maximizes the adhesiveness with which insecticides will stick to plant surfaces, thereby increasing their effectiveness in preventing and controlling insects with fewer applications (which reduces the overall amount of insecticide you need to apply).

 Insect Our Recommendations

Ants Cyber Eight, Insect Control Granules, Pyrethrum

Aphids End All, Spinosad Soap, Triple Action

Bag Worms 38 Plus, Spinosad Soap

Beetles/Borers 38 Plus, Systemic Drench, Triple Action

Box Elder Bugs 38 Plus, End All, Triple Action

Caterpillars Dipel Dust, Spinosad Soap, Triple Action

Codling, Fruit, & Gypsy Moths End All, Triple Action, Spinosad Soap

Cutworms Grub-Free Zone, Insect Control Granules

Earwigs 38 Plus, End All, Triple Action

Grasshoppers 38 Plus, Nolo Bait, Systemic Insect Spray, Triple Action

Fungus Gnats Bacillus Thuringiensis, End All,

Horn Worm Bacillus Thuringiensis, Dipel Dust, Spinosad Soap

Leaf Minor Spinosad Soap, Systemic Insect Spray, Triple Action, End All

Sawflies End All, Systemic Drench, Triple Action

Scales 38 Plus, Systemic Drench,

Slugs and Snails 38 Plus; Bug, Slug, & Snail Bait

Spiders 38 plus, Cyber Eight, End All

Spider Mites End All, Triple Action

Thrips End All, Spinosad Soap, Systemic Insect Spray

White Flies End All, Indoor-Outdoor, Triple Action