Caring For and Maintaining Your Amaryllis

Although Amaryllis is a native of Africa, the cultivars of this plant we typically see in homes derive from the Hippeastrum genus native to Central and South America. It is a perennial bulb that will yield 1-2’ plants with red, pink, or white blooms (or some combination of these colors). If cared for properly, Amaryllis will rebloom. Amaryllis is mildly toxic to pets and people.

Sunlight: Amaryllis is one of those unique houseplants that actually likes some direct sunlight, especially in the morning. In the afternoons, it likes to be in bright light, but not in direct sun. For optimal growth, Amaryllis should get about 6 hours of direct sun/bright light each day.

Water: Give your Amaryllis a drink when the top 2” of soil become dry—Amaryllis like damp but not wet or soggy soil. Here’s a watering tip for getting your Amaryllis to rebloom: Once the flower begins to wilt, Amaryllis will go into a period of dormancy and should be moved out of direct sunshine. Reduce watering during this period, which can last 8-12 weeks. At this point, move the plant back into its usual sunny setting in your house, and wait for another blooming.

Temperature: Amaryllis prefer warm temperatures—but right around 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) is ideal.

Humidity: Amaryllis do not need high humidity to do well in your home, but here in Colorado with our dry climate, this plant will do better if you can provide it some humidity, either through misting by hand or with a humidifier.

Soil: Amaryllis prefer a well-draining sandy loam soil.