Spas & Supplies
Brady’s West carries both American Whirlpool and Vita spas, two of the finest spas on the market today. These spas are made of the highest quality materials and are engineered to provide you with the ultimate in hydrotherapy and relaxation for many years. We install and service all of our spas. In fact, our service is considered to be the best in Chaffee County. We also carry the full range of supplies necessary to keep your spa clean and fresh. We have in-spa filters of all sizes plus hose filters for filling your hot tub, spa thermometers, and water test strips. Because it is so important keep your water free of dirt, body oils, lotions, and organics as well as to keep your water optimally balanced in terms of pH and alkalinity, we carry a full line of products for doing just that. As you will see when you scroll below, we carry a lot of Leisure Time products for sanitizing and cleaning your spa’s water—all Leisure Time products are fully compatible with a wide variety of sanitizers including biguanide, bromine, chlorine, and ozone sanitizers.
American Whirlpool and Vita Spas
Drop by Brady’s West and see the variety of hot tubs and supplies we carry. All of our hot tubs feature plenty of jets for soothing massages and hydrotherapy. From small 2-seaters to larger, almost party size spas, all of our hot tubs feature state-of-the-art design, construction, and technology.
Spa Maintenance
We offer a twice-a-month spa maintenance service that includes every aspect of keeping your spa clean and healthy: Removal of grit and other impurities, jet and filter cleaning, stabilization of pH and calcium hardness, water conditioning, and maintenance of proper water level. We will also drain and fill your hot tub as needed.
X 10 Water Filter
The key to enjoying your spa begins with having water free from contaminants of any sort and that means filling your spa with clean water from the get-go. The X 10 water filter screens city water or well water for a variety of heavy metals, organic materials, and rust. It also filters out chlorine, foul odors and tastes, as well as sulphur and chlorine. This filter screws on to the end of your garden hose and can be used for tens of thousands of gallons before having to be replaced.
Test Strips
An-easy-to-use tool for gauging the quality of your spa’s water is the Leisure Time’s Test Strip for chlorine and bromine as well as pH, alkalinity, and calcium. By dipping a test strip in your spa water for just a few seconds and then comparing the colored bars on the strip to those on the strip container (pictured left), you can quickly and easily determine what you need to add to your water to ensure a perfect balance in its chemistry.
Frog Cartridge Kit
This kit includes a mineral cartridge and bromine cartridges for use in Serene’s Frog Floating Spa Sanitization System, which works daily to maintain the health and cleanliness of your spa. Together, these two cartridges keep your water clear and clean by killing bacteria and reducing odors. The mineral cartridge needs to be replaced every 4 months while the bromine cartridge should be replaced about every 2-4 weeks.
Bromine Tabs
Bromine tabs, or bromine in general, disinfect the water in your spa by killing bacteria and microorganisms. Bromine is less harsh on your skin and bathing suits and gives off less odor than chlorine. Thus, many people prefer to sanitize their hot tubs with bromine tabs. To maintain the cleanliness of your spa water, you should use bromine tabs regularly.
Shock Oxidizers
A shock oxidizer is a chemical that does two things: it destroys organic matter in your hot tub and it removes the by-products of sanitizing your hot tub with bromine or chlorine (bromamines or chloramines, respectively). The more often that you use your hot tub, the more organic matter is introduced into your spa, thus increasing the need to shock your water. You should shock your spa about once a week, depending on how often you are using it.
Renew & Reserve
Renew is non-chlorine shock oxidizer. It is used to keep your spa water clear and free of odors. Renew is used with Reserve, which is a bromide solution that kills bacteria and microorganisms in spa water. You should add Renew to your spa water prior to each time you get in your spa and add Reserve to your water once a week. Together, Renew and Reserve function as a tag team to keep your spa water at its very best.
Defender; Bright & Clear
Defender removes and prevents calcium build up and scale formation in hot tubs.
Used regularly, Defender will
actively reduce mineral accumulation and thus
extend the longevity of your spa’s heating system.
Defender should be used weekly. Bright & Clear
works to remove
unwanted materials such as dirt, soaps, and oils from your spa’s water thereby keeping your water fresh and clear.
Bright & Clear aids your spa filter in removing otherwise non-filterable debris.
Spa 56
Spa 56 is a granular chlorine that is used to disinfect or sanitize your spa’s water and keep it clear, clean, and fresh. Use Spa 56 to shock your spa’s water after time you use your spa.
Spa Marvel Trio
This trio of Spa Marvel products work in concert to keep your spa water clean and fresh. The Water Treatment and Conditioner (middle) prevents scale accumulation and conditions the water so that it is gentle on your skin and hair. The Filter Cleaner (far right) helps to maintain you spa filter free from body oils, dirt, and hair. The Cleanser (far left) keeps your spa’s plumbing clean by removing contaminants from the water, and is primarily used when refilling your hot tub.
Spa Up & pH Balance
Spa Up is a granular additive that will increase your spa water’s pH and alkalinity when these qualities are found to be at lower than ideal levels. It dissolves quickly to help keep your water at its proper pH. Maintaining your water at its proper pH is a key to clear, clean water. Adding pH Balance to your spa water helps maintain its pH at proper levels (between 7.2 and 7.8). Regular use of pH Balance reduces your need to constantly monitor your spa’s pH levels.
Alkaline Increaser & Calcium Booster
Alkalinity Increaser does just what it says: When added to your spa’s water, it will raise alkalinity levels so that pH values are where they should be (between 7.2 and 7.8). Alkalinity Increaser is a granular product that also helps reduce corrosion in the inner workings of your hot tub. When the hardness level of your water is low, adding Calcium Booster will prevent both foaming on the water’s surface and corrosion of your spa’s operating system. Use of both products will extend the life of your spa and add years to your enjoyment of soaking in your hot tub.
Enzyme & Foam Down
Enzyme is used to eliminate odors and scum lines in spa water by decomposing oils, lotions, and organic materials. Regular use of Enyzme will keep your filter clean and reduce the time you spend scrubbing the walls of your spa. Foam Down lives up to its moniker: It prevents foaming in spa water. Keep in mind that if your spa water is frequently foamy, you need to investigate what’s causing it, and treat it immediately.
Jet Clean &
Metal Gon
Jet Clean is effective in keeping your spa’s plumbing clean and free of contaminants that can often reduce its efficiency. Regular use of Jet Clean will add years to your spa’s life…and reduce cleaning and repair costs along the way. Metal Gon helps prevent the build up of heavy metals and resultant stains in your spa—especially if you don’t use a hose filter when you fill your tub.
Cartridge Filters
We carry a huge variety of cartridge filters. From large to small, we have a filter that will fit your spa!
Filter Cleaners
Filter Clean and Instant Cartridge Clean are applied directly to your cartridge filter and remove anything and everything that is trapped in it. Both products are applied directly to the filter once it is removed from the spa (it is always a good idea to keep an extra filter on hand so that as one is being cleaned, the other is in your spa). One difference between these two products is that Instant Cartridge Clean temporarily turns your filter blue, making it easy to see which areas of your spa have been sprayed.
303 UV Protectant
We highly recommend that you treat your spa cover with a strong UV protectant. We’ve had great success with 303, which both protects your cover from cracking and fading and helps keep it clean from dirt and dust. For best results apply 303 to your spa cover about once a month.