Myke Application & Coverage
MYKE (mycorrihizae) is a beneficial fungus that promotes vigorous root growth by “super charging” the plant’s ability to extract nutrients from the soil. Liberally spread MYKE at the bottom of the hole and apply it to the root ball’s sides during the planting process (lightly spray the root ball with water and then sprinkle Myke around all sides of the root ball before placing the plant in the hole). How far will one can of MYKE go? Well, that depends how many trees and shrubs you are planting as well as how big they are. Use the following guide to determine how much MYKE you will need for your planting job—One can of MYKE will cover:
12 #1 Containers
4 #5 Containers
3 #7 Containers
2 #15 Containers
1 Ball and Burlap ( B&B )