Whether you need to eliminate weeds from your your garden and lawn or get rid of suckers and stumps, we have an effective herbicide to do the job. Our selection of herbicides will help you control the more common high country weeds such as Curly Dock, Dandelion, Ground Ivy, Kochia, Lambs Quarters, and Purslane as well as weeds classified as noxious such as Black Henbane, Dalmation Toadflax, Hoary Cress, and Thistle. The State of Colorado is particularly interested in eliminating noxious weeds from within its borders as these weeds complete with native plant species and can displace them.
Keep in mind that herbicides come in two varieties: selective and nonselective. Selective herbicides target specific weeds only whereas nonselective herbicides will kill anything on which they are sprayed.
A sample of our herbicides is pictured below.
We highly recommend that you mix Spreader Sticker in with any herbicide (as well as fungicide and insecticide ) that you apply in your yard and garden. Spreader Sticker maximizes the adhesiveness with which herbicides will stick to plant surfaces, thereby increasing their effectiveness in preventing and controlling weeds with fewer applications (which reduces the overall amount of herbicide you need to apply).