Wilt Pruf Your Plants
Wilt Pruf is a resin based anti-transpirant/anti-desiccant with many beneficial applications. What is an anti-transpirant? An anti-transpirant is a solution that slows transpiration, which is water loss through the plant’s stomata or stomates, the parts of the plant responsible for the exchange of water and carbon dioxide between plants and the atmosphere.
Wilt-Pruf is an organic pine resin that produces an outside protective layer over the leaf/needle surface slowing water loss. This protective layer helps plants deal with environmental stressors such as high wind, drought, winter kill. It can also help plants recover from physical stress such as transplant shock. These stressors cause high-water loss from the plant into the atmosphere creating symptoms leaf or needle loss, browning, or desiccation of leaves.
In Southern Colorado, environmental stress such as drought and high wind are often present. Using Wilt-Pruf during the summer months when available water is low and high winds are present can prove beneficial for your plants by increasing efficiency of your irrigation program. Applying Wilt-Pruf in the summer can provide up to 2 months of protection allowing your plants to maintain healthier growth and appearance. When applied to conifers and evergreens in winter, Wilt-Pruf provides protection against high winter winds that cause wind burn, and desiccation due to low available water. Please note, though, that when applied to Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens), Wilt-Pruf will temporarily turn your blue spruce green, so this application is not recommended for this tree.
Applying Wilt-Pruf after planting will decrease the stress induced through transplant shock, allowing your plant to recover easier.