Colorado Native Shrubs
Brady’s West carries a large assortment of Colorado Native shrubs—everything from the wispy Apache Plume to the knife-pointed Yucca! Many of these shrubs will grow at elevations of 8500’ and above and have highly desirable qualities such as being deer resistant, drought tolerant, shade tolerant, or some combination of these characteristics. Some even have edible berries! All of these shrubs will help beautify your yard with their unique shape, texture, and colors.
Apache Plume
(Fallugia paradoxa)
Height: 3-6’
Growth Rate: Medium-Fast
Elevation: 8500’
Bloom: White
Water:Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Drought Tolerant
Green Chokecherry
(Prunus virginiana)
Height: 8-20’
Width: 8-12’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 10,000’
Bloom: White
Water: Moderate
Sun: Full
Note: Edible Berries
Current, Golden
(Ribes aureum)
Height: 4-6’
Width: 4-6’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 10,000’
Bloom: Yellow
Water: Moderate
Sun: Full
Note: Edible Berries
Red Twig Dogwood
(Cornus alba 'Sibirica')
Height: 5-6’
Width: 5-6’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 9000’
Bloom: White
Water: Moderate
Sun: Full
Note: High Elevation
Mountain Mahogany
(Cerocarpus montanus)
Height: 6-8’
Width: 4-6’
Growth Rate: Slow
Elevation: 9500’
Bloom: Yellow-White
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: High Elevation, Drought Tolerant
Curl Leaf Mountain Mahogany
(Cercocarpus ledifolius)
Height: 10-20’
Width: 10-20’
Growth Rate: Slow
Elevation: 9000’
Bloom: White
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: High Elevation, Drought Tolerant
Gambel Oak
(Quercus gambelii)
Height: 8-20’
Width: 6-12’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 9000’
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Drought Tolerant
Jackman’s Potentilla
(Potentilla fruticosa 'Jackman')
Height: 3-4’
Width: 2-3’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 10,000’
Bloom: Yellow
Water: Moderate
Sun: Full
Note: High Elevation
Rabbit Bush, Tall Blue
(Chrysothamnus nauseosus albicaulis)
Height: 4-6’
Width: 4-5’
Growth Rate: Medium-Fast
Elevation: 8500’
Bloom: Yellow
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant
Rabbit Bush, Tall Green
(ericameria nauseosa)
Height: 2-6’
Width: 2-6’
Growth Rate: Medium-Fast
Elevation: 8500’
Bloom: Yellow
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Deer Resistant; Drought Tolerant
Sagebrush, Sand
(Artemisia filifolia)
Height: 2-3’
Width: 2-3’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 8000’
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant
Sagebrush, Silver
(Artemisia cana)
Height: 4-6’
Width: 4-6’
Growth Rate: Slow
Elevation: 8500’
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant
Sagebrush, Western
(Artemisia tridentata)
Height: 4-10’
Width: 3-6’
Growth Rate: Slow
Elevation: 9500’
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Drought Tolerant
Purple Leaf Sandcherry
(Prunus cistena)
Height: 6-8’
Width: 4-6’
Growth Rate: Medium-Fast
Elevation: 8500’
Bloom: Pink
Water: Moderate
Sun: Full
Sandcherry, Pawnee Butte
(Prunus besseyi)
Height: 2’
Width: 4-6’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 9000’
Bloom: White
Taste: Semi-Sweet to Tart
Pollination: Self-Pollinator
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Edible Berries, Drought Tolerant
Sandcherry, Western
(Prunus besseyi)
Height: 4-6’
Width: 4-6’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 9000’
Bloom: White
Taste: Semi-Sweet to Tart
Pollination: Self-Pollinator
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Edible Berries, Drought Tolerant
Shadowblow Serviceberry
(Amelanchier canadensis)
Height: 10-20’
Width: 10-20’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 9500’
Bloom: White
Water: Moderate
Sun: Full
Note: Edible Berries
Three Leaf Sumac
(Rhus trilobata)
Height: 4-6’
Width: 4-6’
Growth Rate: Medium
Elevation: 9000’
Bloom: Yellow
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Drought Tolerant
Yucca, Adam’s Needle
(Yucca filamentosa)
Height: 3’
Width: 6’
Growth Rate: Slow
Elevation: 7500’
Bloom: White
Water: Moderate Until Established
Sun: Full
Note: Drought Tolerant