Deer Resistant Shrubs
When strolling through our tree and shrub yard, many of our customers wonder which of our shrubs are deer resistant. Fortunately, we have a large variety of deer resistant shrubs of all sizes, shapes, and bloom colors. Although no shrub is ever totally immune from a deer’s appetite, deer-resistant shrubs are the least likely of all shrubs to attract their attention. To be sure, when nothing else is available, and deer are extremely hungry, they will even eat thorny barberries. However, under normal circumstances deer avoid these kinds of shrubs. As a safeguard, we recommend that all newly planted shrubs be sprayed with a deer repellent to further discourage deer from sampling the goodies in your yard. Many of our customers also “cage” their shrubs (and trees) with nylon mess or metal wiring to make certain that deer cannot munch their plants.