Love Your Shrubs
Taking good care of your shrubs is not a particularly onerous task, but it does take a little bit of time. The most important step in loving your shrubs is to occasionally walk through your yard and take a close look at them. Doing so will allow you to assess their health and and beauty. Well-cared for shrubs live long and happy lives beautifying your yard each and every day…not to mention the important role that they play in building a natural habitat for wildlife. And don’t hesitate to talk to your plants—it won’t really do much for them, but it will do wonders for you!
As you walk through your yard, examine each shrub for signs of fungus, disease, insect infestation, damage due to rodents, wind, and sun. If you find a problem, come see us for expert advice in treating the problem. Make sure that that all your shrubs and trees are getting sufficient water, and periodically check to make sure your watering system is intact Fertilize all your outdoor plants in the spring and fall. Prune them when needed to help them keep their shape. After a snowfall, especially if the snow is wet and heavy, brush snow off of limbs to prevent breakage.
Remember that buying a shrub involves more than simply throwing it in a hole somewhere in your yard and watering it occasionally. Sure, the shrub may survive, but it will likely live far below its potential for growth, beauty, and longevity.