Ornamental Grasses
Many of our customers plant ornamental grasses in their yards to provide some variety in color and texture to their landscaping. Grasses can be used in clumps or as stand alone plants to add some visual appeal near the house. Ornamental grasses are attractive in both summer and fall, particularly in a gentle wind. All of our ornamental grasses are deer resistant and most are drought tolerant once they become established. Most of our grasses are green with large plumes (seed stalks); other grasses are bluish, with similarly sized plumes. Our ornamental grasses range in size from less than foot to over 10’, but most fall in the 2-4’ range with plumes extending another foot or so into the air. Our most popular ornamental grasses tend to fall into this narrow range. Ornamental grasses are easy to plant and even easier to care for, so there is little or no downside to adding an ornamental grass to your landscape.