Caring For and Maintaining Your Philodendron
Philodendron is a super hearty plant that thrives year-round with few complaints. This easy-to-care-for plant is a staple for new houseplant enthusiasts because it adapts readily to a wide range of home environments. When the weather permits, Philodendron enjoy being taken outside and placed in a shady spot.
Sunlight: Place your Philodendron in a location where it can receive plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. Keep your Philodendron out of direct sunlight because direct sunlight will cause the leaves to burn—the leaves will yellow and dead spots will appear on the leaf surface.
Water: Allow the top 2.5” of soil to dry between waterings. Test soil moisture around your Philodendron by sinking your index finger into the soil to the depth of your finger. If, when you remove your finger, it feels wet and is covered with soil, then let the soil around your Philodendron dry out just a bit more. If you finger comes out feeling dry with no soil sticking to it, get the watering can out and give your Philodendron a good drink.
Humidity: Colorado is a dry state with humidity levels much lower than the native environments in which Philodendron inhabit. To help create a more humid environment for your Philodendron, consider adding a fine mist humidifier to the room(s) in which you have your Philodendron. You can also place trays filled with stones and water nearby your Philodendron to increase local humidity. Misting your Philodendron with a hand sprayer will also help raise the local humidity level. Although the more humidity the better, a constant relative humidity of 50-55% will promote your Philodendron’s growth and health.
Temperature: Like most houseplants, Philodendron prefer temperatures in the range of 65-85 degrees F (18-30 degrees C). Avoid having your Philodendron experience temperatures below 60 degrees F (15 degrees C).
Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix. We recommend either Fertilome or Fox Farm Potting mix.