Caring for and Maintain Your Schlumbergera
Schlumbergera bridgesii, better known as the Christmas Cactus, is a native of the rainforests of Brazil, where it is found growing in the crooks and crevices of trees. In other words, the plant is epiphytic. As the plant matures, its leaves become droopy with brilliant red blossoms emerging from their tips (Schlumbergera bridgesii will also bloom in pink, purple, white, or yellow). While the Christmas Cactus looks fantastic in pots, it looks great in baskets, too, because of the cascading nature of its leaves. Schlumbergera bridgesii typically grow to be about 12-24" tall. Your Christmas Cactus likes constancy--so be sure not to move it frequently or it will begin dropping its buds and flowers.
Sunlight: Schlumbergera bridgesii prefers partial indirect sunlight, although when it blooms in the late fall and winter, it will tolerate brighter light. However, don't expose your Christmas Cactus to direct sunlight for extended periods.
Water: Water your Schlumbergera bridgesii when the top 1" of soil becomes dry to the touch. The Christmas Cactus does not like soggy soil, so don't over water it.
Humidity: Schlumbergera bridgesii likes humidity and will do especially well with a humidity level of 50-55%. To help create a more humid environment for your Christmas Cactus, consider adding a fine mist humidifier to the room(s) in which you have your Christmas Cactus. You can also place trays filled with stones and water nearby your Christmas Cactus to increase local humidity. Your Christmas Cactus especially enjoys a good daily misting of its leaves.
Temperature: The perfect temperature for your Christmas Cactus is the upper 60s--68 degrees F (20 degrees C) is considered to be ideal during the day. At night, your Schlumbergera bridgesii likes it a bit cooler--right around 55 degrees F (13 degrees C). Don't let room temperature drop below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) as it may experience some damage to its leaves.
Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix. We recommend either Fertilome or Fox Farm Potting mix.