Shade Tolerant Perennials
Despite the fact that sunshine is plentiful here in the high country, most of us have at least a spot or two in our yards that is shady. Large trees (especially if it is a conifer) or a building (like a house or detatched garage) is going to create shade at some time during the day. Of course, a lot of our customers want to know if we carry anything that will grow in these shady areas. The answer is a resounding yes! In addition to our shade-tolerant trees and shrubs, we also carry a variety of perennials that will thrive in areas that get 4 or fewer hours of direct sunlight. We even carry a few perennials that will do very well in full shade—that is, in areas that receive no direct sunshine. Here’s some good advice: Before coming in and shopping for perennials (or for that matter, any outdoor plant), spend a little time studying when, where, and for how long different areas of your yard receive direct sunlight. This information will help you to choose the perfect perennial for any spot—sunny or shady—in your yard.