Caring for and Maintaining Your Zamioculcas
Zamioculcas is commonly known as the ZZ plant and is a tropical perennial native to East Africa. Zamioculcas is a favorite among houseplant aficionados because of its stunning growth, color, and foliage variation. Zamioculcas also is incredibly easy to care for and adapt to a wide range of indoor environments.
Sunlight: Zamioculcas thrives in medium to bright indirect light. It will tolerate lower light levels, but it is not well suited to intense direct light.
Water: Zamioculcas is highly tolerant of dry soil conditions, so allow it to dry out completely for 2-3 weeks between waterings. It will need more water in brighter lighting conditions and during the spring and summer when Colorado becomes hot and dry.
Humidity: Because this plant loves dry air, there is no need to worry about humidity conditions.
Temperature: Like most houseplants, Zamioculcas prefers temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees F (18-30 degrees C). Don’t let the ambient air temperature drop below 60 degrees F (15 degrees C).
Soil: Use a well drained potting mix. We recommend Fertilome or Fox Farm potting mixes.